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UC Capitals to undertake review

23 November 2015: The University of Canberra Capitals have today announced a review into the team's on- and off-court performance and its strategic direction for 2016 and beyond.

University of Canberra Union CEO Joe Roff said the review is necessary to look at every part of the program and highlight where improvements can be made and strategic objectives met.

"Obviously we've had a disappointing start to the season and there is no hiding from that," Mr Roff said. "We are a proud team and we need to be better on and off the court.

"The idea of the review and planning is to have an honest look at our approach and outline recommendations to see the UC Capitals return to the team we all know they can be.

"The UCU took over the running of the UC Capitals from Basketball ACT 18 months ago and that transition period is coming to an end. We now need to review where we are at and plan ahead for the next three to five years."

Mr Roff said it was important to start the review process during the season to ensure the team is best placed to implement recommendations for next and future seasons.

"We've spoken with the players and coaching staff and they are supportive of starting the review now.

"This is something that would have happened at the end of the season regardless, but it's clear we need to get ahead in our planning and strategy for 2016 and beyond," he said.

"The UC Caps are one of the most successful sporting teams in Australian history and I know the players and coaches are doing everything they can to improve on court this season."

The UC Capitals are expected to complete the review and recommendations by the end of February.

  • Mr Roff will be available for interview tomorrow during the University of Canberra Capitals media session

What: Media session – Joe Roff, Abby Bishop, Renee Montgomery and head coach Carrie Graf will be available for interview

When: Tuesday 24 November, 11.30am – 12.00pm

Where: Tilley's Café, cnr Brigalow and Wattle Streets, Lyneham