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Australia’s capital region in 2030 to be discussed at UC forum

5 November 2015: The role of Canberra in its local region will be examined in detail by academics, government officials and community leaders at the annual Canberra Urban and Regional Futures (CURF) forum at the University of Canberra TOMORROW.

Planning, environment, agriculture, water and energy experts will be among those taking part in discussions with representatives of ACT Government and regional councils.

CURF Director and the University's Foundation Chair of Urban Planning Professor Barbara Norman said the forum is an opportunity to "look ahead" and evaluate Canberra as a regional capital, as well as the national capital.

"Issues around transport, health, social infrastructure, climate change and liveability will all be on the agenda," Professor Norman said. "I expect there'll be a strong focus on the regional economy and urban settlement patterns."

Keynote speakers include the US agricultural attaché with the Embassy of the United States in Canberra, Hugh Maginnis and the executive director of the Strategic Planning, Environment and Sustainability Directorate of the ACT Government, Tony Carmichael.

Professor Norman said the forum is structured around discussions of community resilience and integrated regional development.

"Regional stakeholders, including environmental groups and those with agricultural, forestry, tourism, transport, energy, water, health, education, infrastructure and development interests will participate along with representatives of all levels of government," she said.

"I hope that they all leave the Forum with a commitment to build innovative partnerships for a more resilient regional future."

  • Professor Norman is available for interview.

WHAT: CURF Annual Forum 2015 'Strengthening regional resiliency—Canberra in the region'
WHEN: Friday, 6 November, 9.00am – 4.30pm
WHERE: Ann Harding Conference Centre, Building 24, University of Canberra (campus map)

Contact the University of Canberra media team:
Claudia Doman: 0408 826 362
Marcus Butler: 0438 447 810