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Navitas and UC sign agreement to jointly own and operate UC College

15 May 2015: Global education services provider Navitas has announced today an agreement with the University of Canberra to purchase a 51 per cent share in its pathway college, the University of Canberra College (UCC).

The $4.9 million agreement will see Navitas and the University jointly operate UCC to improve its competitiveness and boost international and domestic enrolments in its programs. UCC will be governed by a board of directors with equal representation and an independent board chairperson.

University of Canberra Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global) Professor Simon Ridings said the agreement creates a new and sustainable business partnership model.

"This partnership is a crucial development in the University's growth strategy. Navitas is a leader in collaborative university pathway programs and this will be a highly productive and enduring alliance for the University."

"UCC has been delivering quality education to students for nearly two decades and this agreement will ensure we can continue to increase access to university and offer our programs further across the globe," Professor Ridings said.

"Staff will continue to be employed by the University of Canberra College and we look forward to an exciting period of growth and development ahead."

This new collaboration will enhance UCC's capacity to recruit more students from a wider range of countries around the world and to deliver both existing and new programs.

UCC, which commenced teaching in 1998, will continue providing university pathways, English-language and diploma courses to international and domestic students - with those who successfully complete a UC College program eligible to continue their studies in degree courses at the University of Canberra.

UCC diploma programs include business, business informatics, communication, design, information technology and science. UCC enrols approximately 1,300 University pathway students and 900 English language students annually.

Rod Jones, Group CEO of Navitas, said: "The University of Canberra and Navitas both have a strong proven commitment to student experience and academic quality which will form the base of our new partnership." 

"We look forward to working with the University of Canberra to offer more international students the opportunity to live and study in Canberra, recently voted one of Australia's most popular destinations by international students. We are also keen to grow domestic student enrolments at the College."

Navitas is a leading global education provider that offers an extensive range of educational services through three major divisions to students and professionals including university programs, creative media education, professional education, English language training and settlement services. Navitas is a S&P/ASX100 company.

For further information contact:

James Fuller
Group Manager Corporate Affairs
Navitas Limited
Tel: +61 (8) 9314 9617
Mob: +61 488 093 763

Claudia Doman
Media and Communications Manager 
University of Canberra
Tel: +61 (2) 6206 8677 
Mob: +61 408 826 362