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New Health Research Institute opens research festivities at UC

18 March 2015: A new research institution which brings together the University of Canberra's expertise in biomedical, biotechnology, clinical sciences, public health and health services research will be officially launched TOMORROW, as part of the University's Research Festival.

The University of Canberra Health Research Institute (UC-HRI) will be unveiled by ACT Health Minister, Simon Corbell MLA, the University's Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Frances Shannon and the Institute's founding director, Professor Rachel Davey.

  • Media opportunity: Minister Corbell will visit one of the University's labs to learn about associate professor in molecular and cellular biology Dr Sudha Rao's research on stopping breast cancer recurrence.

Professor Shannon said that the UC-HRI will operate across the entire University, bringing together researchers from diverse fields of study, but with a common focus on health.

"The Health Research Institute will allow easy collaboration between multi and trans-disciplinary researchers and academics to deliver novel, interesting and hopefully, life-changing results in the health field," Professor Shannon said.

Professor Davey added that excellence in research and building strong partnerships with government, industry, non-government organisations and the community sector will be at the core of UC-HRI's work.

"I'm proud to be able to lead not just one team of researchers, but a wide collaboration of them as we continue to tackle issues like healthy living, chronic disease prevention, treatment and management, primary care and sub-acute health care," Professor Davey said.

The University's Research Festival will also run throughout the day, featuring seminars and exhibitions with researchers from disciplines including ecology, forensic sciences, health, education, governance and creative practice.

Professor Shannon said highlights include the Big Ideas – Pitch for Funds event, in which PhD students and early career researchers will briefly pitch their projects to a panel of judges for a cash prize.

"We will also hold a Q&A session, which is always popular and often controversial, this year the panel will be looking into the question of education and why our current approach hasn't been working for many Australian children," she said.

A full program of events is available at

  • Professor Davey is available for interview. 

WHAT: Launch of new University of Canberra Health Research Institute (UC-HRI) as part of the Research Festival

WHEN: Thursday 19 March, 7:30am-8:45am launch; 8:45am-9:00am media op at lab (room 3D46).

WHERE: Building 27, University of Canberra. See map here.

Claudia Doman - M: 0408 826 362

Marcus Butler - M: 0438 447 810