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UC’s campus transformation gets underway

31 July 2015: The University of Canberra is now able to kick start its $1 billion investment plan to develop and expand its campus following the approval of a Territory Plan variation published today.

University of Canberra Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Parker welcomed the decision that will begin the transformation of the Bruce campus. He said this will have a positive effect on the surrounding community, create new jobs and boost economic growth in the ACT.

"This is great news for the University, bringing us one step closer to becoming an integrated learning community, in which academics, students and the public will be able to share state-of-the-art health, sport, cultural and education facilities, exchange ideas, and enjoy a lifelong learning experience," Professor Parker said.

"It is also great news for the Belconnen community with whom we are working closely to find better ways to integrate the University and the Belconnen Town Centre.

"My recent presentation of our campus development vision to the Belconnen Community Council has prompted interest from the Council's chair, Tara Cheyne, to hold a brainstorming session later this year to explore new ways to achieve greater connections between our campus and the town centre."

Professor Parker added that the University's planned development, which includes new health and innovation precincts, a cutting-edge residential development, the UC Public Hospital, new aged-care, sporting and childcare facilities and a Great Hall, will attract new jobs and investment to the area.

According to Deloitte Access Economics' preliminary modelling, the University's development will create an average of 300 new jobs each year for the next 15 years; jobs that would not have been created otherwise.

The modelling also shows that during that period, the development will add about $1billion to the Gross Territory Product in today's money from the construction alone and not counting post-construction activity.

"The University has more land than it requires for direct academic purposes in the foreseeable future, but these developments could greatly add to the campus community and to Canberra itself, further cementing the University of Canberra as a vital component of the nation's capital," he said.

  • Professor Parker is available for interview.

Contact the University of Canberra media team:

Claudia Doman: 0408 826 362
Amanda Jones: 0409 140 415