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Jackson ruled out of rest of UC Capitals season

4 February 2015: University of Canberra Capitals star forward/centre Lauren Jackson will miss the rest of the 2014/2015 Wattle Valley WNBL season after MRI scans have revealed she will need further surgery on her injured knee as early as next week.

  • Carrie Graf and Lauren Jackson will be available for interview at 2.00pm TODAY at the UC Basketball Hall, Building 4, University of Canberra (campus map)

Head coach Carrie Graf said it's disappointing news for Jackson, with the four-time Olympian, World Champion and Australian Opals and US Women's National Basketball Association player making an immediate impact since her long-awaited return to the court in November following an 11-month knee rehabilitation process.

"Lauren had MRI scans done yesterday and unfortunately they've revealed further damage to her knee so she will undergo more surgery and won't be able to take any further part in this season. Obviously she's disappointed, and we're all disappointed, but Lauren needs to do what's best for her health," Graf said.

"She has been playing in pain since she re-joined her UC Capitals teammates in round 10, she was committed to playing out the current season but unfortunately her recovery hasn't gone to plan," Graf added.

Jackson said she was upset by the news and it's likely she'll go into surgery next week. She added she would be back on the sideline cheering for her teammates as soon as she can.

"I'm very disappointed to have to miss the rest of the season, I really enjoyed getting back on court doing what I love to do. It's been a long road to recovery and this is another small setback. I just have to take things one day at a time," Jackson said.

The University of Canberra Capitals were established on 16 May 2014, taking over from Canberra's former WNBL team. The correct way to refer to the team is as the University of Canberra Capitals (UC Capitals).