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Unavailable Units

Semester 1, 2024

Semester 1, 2024 commences on Monday 5 February. You may register up until the commencement of the semester.

Units that will not be available for auditing by U3A (ACT) members are as follows:

Note: units that are essentially practicums, work integrated learning, study abroad experiences, internships, project-based, or similar, are not available for auditing. This is usually indicated in the unit title or unit description.

Please visit the Courses and Units Database to search for available units to 'audit'.

Unit CodeUnit NameSemester
7628Architecture Studio 1 PGS1
7823Building and Construction Studies 2S1
7824Building and Construction Studies 3S1
7894Architecture Studio 3 PGS1
8409Architecture Laboratory PGS1
9773Design and Architecture Research ProjectS1
9780Advanced History & Theory 1 PGS1
9781Advanced History and Theory 2 PGS1
9977Design Studio 4S2
9982Graduation Studio (Landscape)S2
10141Construction ProcurementS1
10142Building and Construction Studies 4S1
10144Building Information ModellingS1
10187Built Environment Technology 1S1
10188Built Environment Technology 2S1
10189Built Environment Technology 3S1
10334Professional Orientation (Built Environment)S1
11014Analysis StudioS1
11018Professional Practice 2S1
11019Professional Evidence (Built Environment)S2
11020Design StudioS2
11022Architecture: History Theory 2 
11023Architecture Studio 1S1
11024Architecture: History Theory 3S1
11025Architecture Studio 4S2
11029Interior Architecture Studio: ContextS1
11045Professional Evidence (Design)S2
11065Visual Branding and Identity SystemsS1
11066Experimental Graphic DesignS1
11067Packaging Design and CommunicationS2
11068Cross-Cultural Design StrategyS2
11069Information VisualisationS2
11093Sideline Eye: Sports ReportingS2
11095The Sports Journalist: Ethical Lawful and ProfessionalS2
11099Marketing Communication StrategyS1
11100The Craft of Creative CommunicationS1
11104Digital Engagement and AnalyticsS2
11120Major Project StudioS2
11133Character Design and Animation S2
11138Film Tools and a Meta-Narrative VocabularyS1
11139Short Film ProductionS1
11144The Creative Producer  S1
11575Professional Practice InternshipS1/S2
11576Professional Practice Internship (Extended)S1/S2
11625Digital Design Techniques 02: Prototyping SpaceS2
11626Digital Design Techniques 03: Digital CitiesS2
11671Professional Practice Thesis 1 (6cp)S1/S2
11673Professional Practice Thesis 2 (6cp)S2
11674Professional Investigation and Research MethodsS2
11829Professional Practice (Internships A)S2
11830Professional Practice (Specialist Skills)S2
11831Professional Practice (Industry Studios)S2
11832Professional Practice (Internships B)S1 
11833Professional Practice (Industry and Creative Projects)S1
11834Professional Practice (Advanced Industry Studios)S1
11841Web Frameworks and Dynamic DataS2
11845Introduction to Creative WritingS1
11899Interior Architecture TechnologyS1
11900Interior Architecture Studio: Unstable SpaceS2
12024First DraftS1
12025On AssignmentS2
12026Streaming and SocialS1
12027Reporting DiversityS1
12028Deep DivesS2
12029Radio and TVS2
12031Editorial LeadershipS1 
11883Landscape Architecture Design 1S1
11884Landscape Architecture Design 3S1
11886Landscape Architecture Design 5S1
12083Organisational Storytelling: Producing Earned and Owned MediaS2
12082Social Media CampaignsS2
12081Reputation: Issues and Crisis CommunicationS1
11098Media Analysis and BuyingS2

Notes from FAD:

Units in the Faculty Arts and Design are scaffolded, and we recommend in all disciplines that level 1 units are taken prior to enrolling in level 2 or 3. Please also note that our units offered at TAFE Queensland and the studio units in Canberra are highly practical and have restricted on-campus attendance, therefore these units (if not listed) may have limited online material available.

10388Research Design PG 
10389Current Research Issues in Business PG 
10390Research Component (Literature Review) A R 
10391Research Component (Methodology and Data Collection) B R
10392Research Component (Research Report) C R (Part A) 
10393Research Component (Research Report) C R (Part B) 
10428Reseach Component (Research Report) C R (Part C) 
11171Professional Evidence (Commerce) 
11173Professional Evidence (Business) 
11237Professional Evidence (Government & Policy) 
11254Capstone Law and Justice 
11272Law and Justice Research Project 
11289Law Honours 
11291Legal Advice Clinic 
11320Event Management 
11445Legal Research & Writing Skills 
11446Legal Research Project PG
11447Research Thesis PG
11453Legal Advice Clinic PG
11509Small Business Management G (online)
11571BGL Research Internship
11698Business Decision Making (APP) (Part B)
11847Politics & Democracy (APP) (Part B)
11901Honours Research Colloquium H
11093Honours Research Thesis PT H
11904Business, Government & Policy Nexus H
11324Tourism and the World Economy
11379Social Enterprise
12047BGL Internship B
12048BGL Internship C
12046BGL Internship A
12049BGL Internship D
12086BGL Internship A PG

b. Postgraduate: The Faculty of Education is happy for U3A members to audit our Level G units with the exception of the following:

2024SEM-110017Medical Imaging Project Design H
2024SEM-110024MRS Residency 2 (9cp)
2024SEM-110032Radiographic Imaging Capstone
2024SEM-110039Medical Imaging Project Design PG
2024SEM-110070Professional Practice in Exercise Physiology
2024SEM-110120Industry and Community Engagement (Health)
2024SEM-110159Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation PG
2024SEM-110160Introduction to Ultrasound PG
2024SEM-110161Abdominal Ultrasound PG
2024SEM-110162Obstetric Ultrasound PG
2024SEM-110163Vascular and Postoperative Ultrasound PG
2024SEM-110164Paediatric and Superficial Parts Ultrasound PG
2024SEM-110166Sonographic Practice Capstone PG
2024SEM-110196Health Across the Lifespan: Child and Family Health
2024SEM-110197Health Across the Lifespan: Mental Health
2024SEM-110201Concepts in Pathophysiology
2024SEM-110203Integrating Nursing Concepts 1
2024SEM-110203Integrating Nursing Concepts 1
2024SEM-110205Integrating Nursing Concepts 3
2024SEM-110205Integrating Nursing Concepts 3
2024SEM-110266Foundations of Communication Science PG
2024SEM-110268Clinical Speech Pathology 1 PG
2024SEM-110271Specialist Communication Disorders Across the Lifespan PG
2024SEM-110274Diversity in Communication PG
2024SEM-110276Professional Practice 3 PG
2024SEM-110298Foundations of Anatomy and Physiology
2024SEM-110315Occupational Therapy Honours 2
2024SEM-110329Optometry for Special Populations PG
2024SEM-110330Assessment of Optometric Competence PG
2024SEM-110331Community Optometry PG
2024SEM-110410Clinical Optics and Dispensing
2024SEM-110412Optometry Residency PG
2024SEM-110413Optometry in Practice PG
2024SEM-110454Health Program Planning and Evaluation
2024SEM-111299Continuity Midwifery A
2024SEM-111313Continuity Midwifery A PG
2024SEM-111477Medical Radiation Science Residency 2 PG (9cp)
2024SEM-111536Clinical Physiotherapy 1
2024SEM-111537Clinical Physiotherapy 2
2024SEM-111546Clinical Conditions 2
2024SEM-111555Clinical Physiotherapy 2 G
2024SEM-111556Clinical Physiotherapy 3 G
2024SEM-111557Clinical Physiotherapy 4 G
2024SEM-111568Medical Imaging Research Project B PG
2024SEM-111570Medical Imaging Research Project B H
2024SEM-111617Honours: Literature and Evidence
2024SEM-111619Honours: Thesis (Part A)
2024SEM-111690Research Methods in Health Sciences H
2024SEM-111691Health Sciences Research Honours A H
2024SEM-111692Health Sciences Research Honours B H
2024SEM-111693Health Sciences Research Honours C H
2024SEM-111702Systemic Anatomy and Physiology (APP) (Part B)
2024SEM-111704Understanding People and Behaviour (APP) (Part B)
2024SEM-111825Postgraduate Psychology Research Project 1 PG
2024SEM-111826Postgraduate Psychology Research Project 2 PG
2024SEM-111827Postgraduate Psychology Research Project 3 PG
2024SEM-111835Person-Centred Practice in Nursing
2024SEM-111852Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People's Health Contexts
2024SEM-111853Integrating Nursing Concepts 6 (Capstone)
2024SEM-111856Professional Orientation (Nursing)
2024SEM-111959MRS Practicum 1 G
2024SEM-111963Integrating Nursing Concepts 5
2024SEM-111964Concepts in Pharmacology
2024SEM-111977MRS Practicum 1
2024SEM-111983Special Topics in Speech Pathology
2024SEM-112069Master of Health Research Thesis 3CP PG
2024SEM-112070Master of Health Research Thesis 6CP PG
2024SEM-112071Master of Health Research Thesis 9CP PG
2024SEM-112072Master of Health Research Thesis 12CP PG
2024SEM-112075Clinical Practice in Exercise Physiology 1
2024SEM-16313Practicum Placement 1 PG
2024SEM-16314Practicum Placement 2 PG
2024SEM-16315Practicum Placement 3 PG
2024SEM-16316Practicum Placement 4 PG
2024SEM-17366Honours Thesis in Psychology 12cp (6cp)
2024SEM-17784Education Research Project PG
2024SEM-18987Evidence Based Practice (Honours)
2024SEM-18993Physiotherapy Honours Thesis 2
2024SEM-19003Clinical Therapeutics 1
2024SEM-19004Pharmacy Practice 1
2024SEM-19009Clinical Therapeutics 3
2024SEM-19011Pharmacy Practice 3
2024SEM-19297Clinical Dietetics 1 PG
2024SEM-19378Advanced Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
2024SEM-19400Clinical Therapeutics 1 G
2024SEM-19402Clinical Therapeutics 3 PG
2024SEM-19405Pharmacy Practice 1 G
2024SEM-19407Pharmacy Practice 3 PG
2024SEM-19583Qualitative Research Practice in Health PG
2024SEM-19592Research Project in Health PG
2024SEM-19593Research Project in Health PG (6cp)
2024SEM-19602High Performance Sport Research Project PG
2024SEM-19813Research and Professional Practice Part A (6cp)

Unit  Number                        Unit  Name  

4773   Research Honours in Applied Science:FT
4774Research Honours in Applied Science:PT
8060Forensic Digital Imaging PG
8783Professional Practice in Applied Science
9632Research Project in Applied Science
10004Engineering Project (Part A)
10005Engineering Project (Part B)
10006Engineering Work Experience (0cp)
10098Engineering Project PG
10136Engineering Work Experience PG
10152Information Sciences Internship (Extended)
11372Introduction to Data Science
11408Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship
11480Advances in Information Sciences and Engineering
11486Systems Analysis and Modelling
11516Introduction to Data Science G
11522Technology Capstone Research Project PG
11530Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship G
11531Information Sciences Internship (Extended) PG
11622Introduction to Cyber Safety
11623Introduction to Cyber Safety G
11694Artificial Intelligence for the Workplace
11695Artificial Intelligence for the Workplace G
4478Introduction to Information Technology
6540Introduction to Statistics
6554Introduction to Statistics G
6587Information Technology for the Workplace
6676Professional Practice in IT G
6677Systems Analysis and Modelling G
6797Inf. Sc. Research Methodology PG
6798Inf. Sc. Research Proposal R
6798Inf. Sc. Research Proposal R
6799Inf. Sc. Research Proposal H
7722Professional Practice in IT
7899Information Sciences Internship
7900Information Sciences Internship PG
8520Information Technology for the Workplace G
8936Introduction to Information Technology G
9075Introduction to Digital Forensics G
9785Information & Communication Technology Project
9786Technology Project PG
9827ICT Honours Thesis (Part A) H (6cp)
9828ICT Honours Thesis (Part B) H (12cp)
11473Science and Technology Intership