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  1. PhD student uses UC’s Bruce campus as case study for urban management of environmental pollutants

    University of Canberra PhD student Joseph O’Connell has been testing rainfall runoff from surfaces at the Bruce campus to determine how they contribute to levels of urban pollutants.

    More on PhD student uses UC’s Bruce campus as case study for urban management of environmental pollutants
  2. UC’s Capstone Expo once again spotlights real world social impact via technology

    The Expo is the culmination of the Capstone unit, which sees undergrad and postgrad students at the School of Information Technology and Systems (ITS) dedicate a whole semester to addressing real world problems and challenges.

    More on UC’s Capstone Expo once again spotlights real world social impact via technology
  3. UC Distinguished Professor Arthur Georges elected as Australian Academy of Science Fellow

    The Fellowship shines a light on the impact of the extensive research from Professor Georges and his team, which has revolutionised understanding of how temperature determines sex in reptiles – with broad implications for understanding genetic trajectories across other organisms.

    More on UC Distinguished Professor Arthur Georges elected as Australian Academy of Science Fellow
  4. UC’s first Galambany Professorial Fellow named Australian Water Professional of the Year

    Dr Leslie ‘Phil’ Duncan received the award for his contributions to national water management and work to amplify Aboriginal voices for over 40 years.

    More on UC’s first Galambany Professorial Fellow named Australian Water Professional of the Year