That's a wrap!
The 2024 UC Creative Competition is officially done and dusted. Thank you to all those who joined us at the Prize Ceremony.
All winners listed below will receive an email with detailed information about their prize(s) and/or certificate(s).
Congratulations and Well Done to all our winners and participants.
Thank you to our partners at Adobe and Edii for the amazing prizes.

Major Prize Winner: Lucy Ashton
Major Prize Winner: Lucy Ashton
Creative Writing, Kinross Wolaroi - Year 12
A society without intellectual curiosity and emotional tribulation is a society without humanity. As such, my dystopic short fiction 'Were I Human' is a warning of a society which has abandoned literature, representative of emotional curiosity and emotional recognition, and replaced it with the mind-numbing effects of social media and narcotics, explored through my protagonist Miranda. I aim to inspire reflection on the power of literature in validating emotion through the creation of my own ironic world, ‘The City of Love: 2105’, in which instant gratification is rife and true emotion little.
View project
People's Choice Winner: Hannah Campbell
People's Choice Winner: Hannah Campbell
Visual Arts, All Hallows' School - Year 12
One in Two Worlds is an exploration of subjective human perception, focusing on how stress caused by schoolwork can permeate an individual’s perception of reality. In my artwork, I employed techniques of manipulation, including recontextualization, to communicate how reality and subjective perception (consequent to stress) become connected. The incorporation of assessment materials, combined with the painting of a student holding her head in her hands, invites the viewer to understand how stress can infiltrate a person’s sense of reality, altering their perception of life.
View projectLucy Ashton
Creative Writing, Kinross Wolaroi - Year 12
Were I Human
A society without intellectual curiosity and emotional tribulation is a society without humanity. As such, my dystopic short fiction 'Were I Human' is a warning of a society which has abandoned literature, representative of emotional curiosity and emotional recognition, and replaced it with the mind-numbing effects of social media and narcotics, explored through my protagonist Miranda. I aim to inspire reflection on the power of literature in validating emotion through the creation of my own ironic world, ‘The City of Love: 2105’, in which instant gratification is rife and true emotion little.
Abrahim Khan
Built Environment, Narrabundah College - Year 12
Sustainable City Centre for Eastlake
My project envisions a sustainable city centre at the heart of Canberra, directly integrating with the future light rail station. Designed with unique organic forms, the center blends functionality and art, featuring shaded masses that provide natural cooling while enhancing the urban aesthetic. This innovative approach not only prioritizes sustainability but also offers a visually striking landmark that harmonizes with the environment and serves as a vibrant, modern space for the community.
Phoebe Whitfield
Communication & Media, Daramalan College - Year 12
Promising Young Woman: A Revenge Fantasy and a Woman's Worst Nightmare
Warning - sensitive topics
This mock feature article, completed as an English assignment on contemporary issues in media and entertainment, analyses the film Promising Young Woman its themes of sexual assault, victim-blaming, and societal injustice. The piece draws connections to real-life cases, commenting on the change needed in rape culture to support survivors within modern society.
Dugald Braithwaite
Creative Industries, Dickson College - Year 12
Honest (feat. Charlie Flexx)
"Honest" is an original song I wrote and produced. After getting a solid vibe down on the instrumental, I sent it off to Charlie Flexx From Kenya to record some vocals on the track. I then spent hours upon hours adjusting and mixing the track to get it as close to perfection.
After uploading the track to Triple J Unearthed, it has been played across their radio stations over 50 times and has many good reviews from their presenters: https://www.abc.net.au/triplejunearthed/artist/db7/
Mia Wilkinson
Design, Lindisfarne Anglican Grammar School - Year 12
Starfall Studios
The hit new studio starfall studios is an advertising website for a fictional game development studio, which had some new products coming out call the stardust chronicles, Echoes of Elysium, and Aetherium Legends. This webiste consists of one page, as a showcase of what the client would get as a preview for the project. In the future I hope to add more pages, and add more detail. It was made using HTML, CSS, and Javascript, furthermore all graphics and multimedia elements were done in ADOBE software.
Digital Media/Game Design
Laura Houghton - How to Make a Rock
Creative Writing
Global Studies
Film Production
Abrahim Khan - Sustainable City Centre for Eastlake
Landscape Architecture
Ling Cao - Jerrabomberra Wetlands Redesign
Interior Architecture
Journalism/Sports Media
Phoebe Whitfield - Promising Young Woman: A Revenge Fantasy and a Woman's Worst Nightmare
Marketing Communication/Corporate and Public Communication
Lachlan Scott - Maison Margiela Replica Fragrance Poster Campaign
Visual Arts
Matilda Cathcart - The Fig tree
Contemporary Music Practice
Dugald Braithwaite - Honest (feat. Charlie Flexx)
Applied Fashion
Visual Communication Design
Bryan Zhao - STOP ON RED - Rail Safety Campaign
Interaction Design
Mia Wilkinson - Starfall Studios
Industrial Design
Highly Commended projects
Digital Media/Game Design
Creative Writing
Film Production
Highly Commended projects
Visual Arts
Contemporary Music Practice
Applied Fashion

If you have any questions, or require any additional information, please email us.